Erica's Star Scopes of 2024

Welcome to Erica’s first STAR SCOPES of 2025. It is a major new term in the school of life. The energies of the Winter Solstice and the planetary conjunctions have given us a new blank page and a whole new curriculum.  In fact, it’s the first page of a new book. The book of the past is closed.  What has been “normal” is gone and we as a collective must find ways to create an alternative which embraces, first and foremost, kindness embellished with empathy and constantly asking: how will this affect the planet?  We could also add a daily practice of reviewing how each day has gone and how we have made a difference.  We can’t always be that perfect ideal, but we can be aware, mindful and endeavour to correct any wobbles where we have been less than we hoped.  We need to develop the courage to ask for help when we need it. And to offer help when asked by others.  Vulnerability and accountability are the buzzwords for an expanded and loving future and we each have our part to play.

 We live in challenging and exciting times, and this is the life course we signed up for.  There may be moments when we wonder what were we thinking? And why we didn’t sign up for flowering arranging in the Andromedan system? But we are here.  Gaia need us, and we know we have what it takes. Never has there been a greater opportunity to speak out, be authentic and intend that a kind and compassionate life is possible for all. While on the surface the world looks to be even more divided, it calls us to live as kindly and compassionately as we can.  Sometimes that means stepping back and not allowing our personal triggers to bring us to aggressive behaviour.  Sometimes that means stepping forward and standing alongside those who are being oppressed – that is assertion. Be open to the old falling away and new paradigms manifesting. Above all, do not feed fear.

I am reminded of the story of the native brave who called on the tribal elder to ask about his disturbing dreams.  He described a black and a white wolf fighting inside him. He said: I am afraid. The black wolf is so strong. Will it win?  Which one will win?  The elder replied:  My son, which one do you feed? 


My Starscopes are channelled using an alchemy of astrological signs, tarot insight, and angelic guidance.  This month, I am calling in the wisdom of the angels combined with tarot.   As you know, I always work with the mighty angelic realms. Angels are no fluffy inventions; they are mighty cosmic energies capable of omnipresence and the ability to bring wisdom and love to any situation. Amongst their ranks are the Powers, Principalities, Thrones, Virtues, Cherubim, Seraphim and The Archangels.  The Archangel who presides over January is Gabriel, the divine messenger who is present at births and new beginnings. So, at the birth of this new calendar year as we step over the threshold into the Age of Aquarius, Gabriel is here to guide us to renew the message of truth, to experience the fullness of this life on earth. Ask Gabriel to help you become still, to hear the message and find your true path. We each have a unique path, and yet we walk together. Honour yourself and others. and the guidance of the fairy realms who also fight so hard for our mother



We must adapt and courageously champion our beautiful planet and stand firm with those who are brave enough to be the change we need to see. As the prophecy states: when the earth grows sick, and the animals are dying, there will come forth people of all races, creeds and colours to defend her. And by their courage and actions they shall make the earth green and fertile again.  They shall be known as the warriors of the rainbow.   This is a paraphrase.  There are many versions of the Rainbow Warrior, including one in an evangelic text, Warrior of the Rainbow published in 1962.  Some hold that is the origin.  However, we do not know how the authors came by the words. Whatever the origin, it matters not to me. They inspired the formation of Greenpeace and their flagship, the Rainbow Warrior.  So, let us stand as rainbow warriors alongside the awesome elementals: the fairies, the merfolk, and the dragons and make this year a year when our voice of care and compassion is heard.  Even a small action is a step, and you are never alone with a dragon by your side!





Erica is an Angel Therapist and dragon whisperer. She works as a writer, broadcaster, healer and psychic advisor and lives on the wild Cornish Coast.

















CAPRICORN 22nd December-20th January

As this New Year begins your heart and emotions will swell with the desire to move forward or to move on. Last year was tough and this year you hope for something more fulfilling. If you are open to learning and new courses of study follow that trail. Above all, open your heart and mind to those around you. Tune into those who feel trustworthy and compassionate. Those are the qualities that will sustain you through the year.












AQUARIUS 21st January-19th Feb

It is an important year for Aquarians. So, you need a clear mind and a clear slate. Find your inner strength. Know who you are – authenticity is your bedrock. Ok, so that may mean some time spent journalling or using whatever practice is your go-to for digging deep into your nature and subconscious.  Don’t shy away from it, the rewards will far outweigh the work.










PISCES 20th February-20th March

Open your eyes to all possibilities this month. Particularly use the power of the moon cycle.  13th is the full moon in Cancer and new moon on 29th in Aquarius.  You are a sensitive water sign so be particularly aware of your intuition on those days. This is even more important if you find yourself feeling that you are missing out in some way or that life is disappointing you. All signs that you need to change direction, even if that is just a little tweak. If health is a concern, call on Archangel Raphael for inspiration.








ARIES 21st March-20th April

Unusually, for Aries, you may feel like retiring into your cave and snuggling down for this first month of the year.  However, this doesn’t mean that nothing is going on. This is your time to tap into your happy place, really feel the feels. What vision can you conjure for your year ahead? What does your heart desire. Craft it, write it, dream it, hold it close and love it into being. 





TAURUS 21st April-21st May

Taurus likes to appear calm and unflappable on the outside. Getting along with everyone, forging new partnerships.  Especially, as the new year dawns. Just don’t work too hard.  Last year was tough. Trust that you are abundantly supported, and it is a matter of timing. The one thing that will push its arrival further away is stressing about why it isn’t here yet.






GEMINI 22nd May-21st June

Things are looking up, Gemini.  Perhaps, it’s the impetus of that full moon in Gemini we just experienced at the closing of the year. Feel it!  Find your joy. Expect to celebrate something.  How big is up to you!  You are the magician. How strong is your faith that you really can attract good fortune? Start small to build confidence and then go for it!









CANCER 22nd June-23rd July

Totally the right moment to turn over a new emotional leaf.  Whatever, or whomever pushed your buttons in 24, you are in fresh territory as 25 begins. Do whatever it takes:  journal, vision board, chant, walk and talk to your angels and guides. Just do anything that will help you reconnect to the magic and wonder of life.  Fall in love with yourself. Have fun. Oh, and if you get invited to a celebration, party, wedding, Christening, Bar mitzvah, a doggie walk in the park with other pooch parents, go!








LEO 24th July-23rd August

 You have a guiding star this month, your heart. Honour your authenticity and integrity. You know what is right, and, what is right for you. As the year begins buckle down and get those things done that you procrastinated your way out of in 24.  You need to find balance and call on your powers of organisation and logic. This month is the time to find structure and discipline to build a solid foundation for your year to come.











VIRGO 24th August-23rd September

So much potential, so many opportunities.  That is the mantra for your new year.  However, potential and opportunity, just like seeds, need time to germinate. Have patience. Study, prepare consolidate your knowledge. Be prepared to look at things from angles you haven’t explored before.  After all, nothing new comes from the status quo.









LIBRA 24th September-23rd October

If you are open to new relationships or new friendships, then the wheel is turning, and fortune is on your side.  The one thing that is certain is that things will happen fast! Take time to carefully review what is on offer. Listen to your intuition and consider carefully what you want before acting.











SCORPIO 24th October-22nd November

There is a strong connection to ancestry this month.  If you have been expecting a legacy it is on the way. Or you may find yourself feeling the influence of loved ones beyond the veil. The focus is on a contented home life, the completion of projects and partnering with others to move projects forward.






SAGITTARIUS 23rd November-21st December

It is time!  You have come into your own. Partnerships, contracts, projects. Remember that you are a lightworker and the world needs you to shine your light and loving influence. You may find yourself called to help someone get organised and be careful with your energy.  Keep the balance between action and rest.




If you would like a personal reading I am available live on the phone,
or by email at