Erica's Star Scopes of 2024

Welcome to Erica’s second STAR SCOPES of 2025. It is going to be a very powerful month as we evolve more into the Aquarian age.  It is yet another seeding of the new Aquarian energies. At times, it may seem that change and better times are slow incoming.  However, if we look back at the challenges being thrown against outdated attitudes and the calling out of manipulation, corruption and disrespect we can see that great steps are being taken. Call on the angels, ascended masters and whomever you connect with to keep you positive and speak up with kindness when the opportunity presents.


My Starscopes are channelled using an alchemy of astrological signs, tarot insight, and angelic guidance.  My angel tarot is working with the power of dragons for protection, courage and a strong voice. Normally, this month we would all be focussing on romance. This year more than ever, we need to focus on love. We need to find reasons to love ourselves and others. The ability to see what we have in common rather than what divides. That kind of love resonates all around us and touches people in ways that sometimes we don’t see, but it touches, nevertheless.  

February’s ruling angel is the Archangel Barchiel and the Archangels governing Aquarius are Uriel and Cassiel. Barchiel relieves burdens of guilt and sorrow. Uriel aids us in finding emotional balance and harmony, he heals our wounds. And Cassiel is the angel of solitude and tears whose associated day is Saturday. So, this is a month to allow emotions to surface, be acknowledged without judgement and released. It’s a great time to review, renew or prepare for new relationships in every aspect of our lives, not just romance. It is a time to heal and seed the future.

The dragon who is overseeing this month is The Philosopher. He is a Grand Master Dragon who shows up when we need to learn. When looking at life he asks us to bring our wisdom not our ego to the fore. He particularly works with those wishing to study or be open to the messages of the old psychic arts like astrology, scrying or divination. Tap into your intuition – think of that word: “in” “tuition”. Listen to your soul and heart’s guiding truths.

Erica is an Angel Therapist and dragon whisperer. She works as a writer, broadcaster, healer and psychic advisor and lives on the wild Cornish Coast.

















CAPRICORN 22nd December-20th January

This month draws your attention to home life. Everyone desires and deserves peace, contentment and sufficient abundance to secure a happy home life. If perilous finances are an echo of childhood, it’s time to move on. Whatever was, is not now. Create an abundance practice for yourself to empower your path ahead.













AQUARIUS 21st January-19th Feb

This month make feel like a push-me-pull-you game. The outer world appears as contrary as a prima donna on chocolate or high corn fructose. However, it is just illusion. Take your focus away from material things or fear-based thoughts and watch how the picture changes and is reframed. You are amazing, and you’ve got this! Let everyone else get on with their own stuff.










PISCES 20th February-20th March

Being a sensitive soul and the final sign of the zodiac which encompasses elements of all the signs, you find the information swirling around challenging and possible emotionally unsettling. Beware the heightened clashes and conflicts that present as news and reality.  The antidote is to spend time with inspiring people, arts, music and consume details of deeds and actions that make a positive difference in the world.  You may forge new partnerships.








ARIES 21st March-20th April

Doing what is just and right is the driving force for you this month. You have a strong sense of what is fair and just, especially where relationships are concerned. Take gossip off the menu, just don’t listen. And make sure you don’t take sides. Your integrity is your freedom and truth.





TAURUS 21st April-21st May

In terms of work and career, you may find yourself taking an inventory this month. What works?  What doesn’t? Are you getting the satisfaction you deserve from the way you earn your living? Making a change in uncertain times can, indeed, seem scary. Seek out all the guidance you can find.  On a social side of life, you could be invited to a celebration. Go, and have fun.






GEMINI 22nd May-21st June

Travel could be on the cards for Gemini. Things are moving forward.  That might mean mentally or physically, or both! If you have been feeling stuck, get ready for the barriers to fall. As the month begins, think about what you might take on your next trip and what you might want to leave behind. This is the careful planning stage.  Use that time wisely.









CANCER 22nd June-23rd July

This month, self-nurturing is not a suggestion, it is a priority.  Take care of your emotional and material needs.  If stress or loss have been a contributory factor this is even more imperative. Wrap yourself in care professionals, caring friends and family. Allow yourself to be nursed and loved.








LEO 24th July-23rd August

Sometimes life sends us roadblocks or speed bumps for a reason.  Pull over and take time to look at the road ahead. Are you being signalled to make changes that you have avoided considering? Dig deep.  Feel the fear, acknowledge it and release its power. Listen to your soul’s wisdom and your heart’s intuition. Make choices only when you have taken time to integrate their messages.











VIRGO 24th August-23rd September

Virgo, you are considering changes, and you are not alone this month. You are a sign who tends to resist change.  You are more comfortable with the status quo. Give birth to your newborn willingness to open up to heart-led choices. And then buckle down and sort out the practical details.









LIBRA 24th September-23rd October

When things don’t seem to be going your way, or schemes are stalling and life doesn’t run smoothly, especially if conflict with others is arising, take time out. You have a tendency to be conflict averse and this will block any progress. Step back, allow feelings to arise, accept them, don’t attach any judgement to them. They may show you where you need to do more research. Be open to taking an alternative view or course of action.











SCORPIO 24th October-22nd November

This month is about balancing the emotional and, possibly, financial books. If things have seemed difficult, just hang onto the thought that the end is in sight. This inner energy will become the catalyst for change which will turn the wheels in your favour. Be open to all new opportunities.  Sometimes gifts come in strange packages.






SAGITTARIUS 23rd November-21st December

Ever the energetic and inspired sign of the zodiac, you could find yourself uncharacteristically melancholy.  Something feels off. You feel you should be doing something else or differently. This is particularly true of your job or career. If the way you employ your time, either at work, or in daily life not longer satisfies you, then look around to see what could.




If you would like a personal reading I am available live on the phone,
or by email at